Saturday, July 15, 2006

Uber Web Caf

The internet 'cafes' in Japan are impressive. Private booths. Fast connections. Audio-technica headphones (including headphone amps), playstation 2, large flatscreen monitors, free beverages, tv/DVD etc. All in the booth for you to use. All for about 4$NZ an hour. Have a look.....


At 9:54 AM, July 15, 2006, Blogger EM said...

These internet cafes are AWESOME!!! there is also a DVD library of mainly anime/manga movies & private booths with tv`s to rent, we contemplated seeing if we could book in & stay here for the next few nights....

At 8:31 PM, July 16, 2006, Blogger EM said...

they do rather look like Dilbert cubicles - almost reminds me of been back at ACC, but way cooler!
Emy I agree the Japanese fashions are AWESOME, everyone looks amazing!! Japan RULZ!

At 8:31 PM, July 16, 2006, Blogger EM said...

they do rather look like Dilbert cubicles - almost reminds me of been back at ACC, but way cooler!
Emy I agree the Japanese fashions are AWESOME, everyone looks amazing!! Japan RULZ!


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